The grab and go energy booster, you never knew you needed. 

1 servings, 5 minutes (plus overnight)


1 cup milk, of choice
1/4 cup chia seeds
2 tsps (or 1 tbsp) honey or agave, I like agave bc it mixes better as it’s a bit thinner
1/4 tsp cinnamon
Optional: sea salt, vanilla extract

Toppings: fresh figs and walnuts
Alternative toppings: berries, cinnamon apples, really any fruit, nut, or even granola of choice!

The Blistered Peppers Take:

If you follow me you know that I am a huge fan of running and spent the majority of my earlier life prepping to be a ballerina. So that means that I tend to look at food for nutrition and love to find ingredients that will fuel my body with things that aren’t just delicious but energizing. Chia seeds are IT. Chia seeds have a huge amount of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, lots of protein (and great quality protein at that), and several essential minerals and antioxidants - all in these TINY TINY seeds. For those wondering, they don’t pack a big punch in terms of flavor so they’re honestly just there to look pretty - so the nutritious part is just an added bonus! I love to sprinkle them on top of my salad, stir them into my oatmeal, and include them OF COURSE, in this fig chia seed pudding.

I know what you’re thinking. When do I eat this? And the right answer is…whenever. It’s basically overnight oats but you’re swapping the oats for chia seeds. I love to make a few of these at the beginning of the week so I can grab and go on busy mornings. It’s also great an hour before a workout or when you’re feeling that low in the middle of the day. Instead of grabbing a 2nd (or 5th) coffee, grab a chia pudding and you’ll be re-energized for the rest of the day. If you’ve ever been afraid of cooking, this is the perfect place to start because, well, you're not cooking. You dump the chia into the milk with some agave/honey and cinnamon, shake and leave. What’s easier than that? 

My recommendation is that you shake it a lot, and then once more when it’s chilling. The ratio of ingredients and the “no clumps” is key to a smooth pudding texture. Don’t forget to leave the toppings until the next day. If you mix them in, overnight they tend to lose their flavor and texture. 


  1. Using a small container that can close tightly - I use mason jars - combine your milk of preference with chia seeds and preferred seasoning - I use agave and cinnamon. Close the lid tightly and shake well.

  2. Leave overnight (or minimum 4 hours) and make sure to shake 1 more time as it rests.

    • It doesn’t really matter when you shake the pudding again, but if done within the first few hours it will help to disperse the chia seed evenly. 

  3. When ready to serve, prep toppings. Slice figs into quarters, chop walnuts, maybe drizzle a little more agave or sprinkle a pinch more of cinnamon.

Enjoy and let me know what you top your chia pudding with!



