with Fried Sage and Vegan Parmesan, oh my the perfect Fall dish!

4 servings, 40 minutes 


4 cups butternut squash, cubed 
2 cloves garlic, minced/diced 
1/2 onion, chopped 
1 ½ cup arborio rice
5 cups chicken stock (or vegetable stock if vegan!)
3/4 cup dry white wine, I prefer Sauvignon Blanc 
3/4 cup parmesan cheese (vegan if wanted)
Handful of Sage
Olive Oil

The Blistered Peppers Take:

Sorry to say it, but you can’t say fall without butternut squash. It’s truly everywhere. But there's a reason for it! When butternut squash is in season, its flavors are so comforting. Not to mention the color just screams fall. When you pair the sweet and nutty taste of butternut squash with the creaminess of a risotto you’ve got yourself fall’s newest favorite meal!

If you love the kitchen like me, there’s nothing more stress relieving than a risotto. I know y’all will think I’m crazy because normally risotto gets labeled as an advanced meal and scares people off. But, I disagree. It just needs your attention. You’ve got to keep your eye on it, stir it pretty consistently, and serve it immediately (otherwise it’s very stodgy). My advice? Call up your favorite friends. Task them with picking up a Pinot Noir (compliments butternut squash perfectly!) and have them hang with you in the kitchen. Make a simple charcuterie board, have them pull up a stool in the kitchen and chat, drink and stir together. It’s the perfect night!


Well here’s where I’ll be honest with you. Depending on the size and the ripeness, it can be annoying to chop. But, I’ve come up with some shortcuts. First take a little slice off the side so that you can lay the squash on its side and it won’t roll around. Then chop off the top and bottom bulb (the stem won’t taste great anyways!). Continue down the squash and make slices that are all ½ inch. It should look almost like slices of cantaloupe. Scoop out the seeds, cut the slices in half, and separate the “meat” of the squash from the skin. Then proceed to cube up the squash. 

Another tip is to microwave the squash (whole) for about 20 seconds. It will make it slightly more tender and therefore easier to cut!

And if you’re really in a pinch - pick up already chopped butternut squash from your favorite grocery store and then chop the prepared squash into smaller cubes.


I’m big on roasting up a bunch of vegetables at the beginning of the week to throw in a salad or toss alongside a piece of chicken. But, when I’m not roasting up squash simply here are some alternatives. Smash up your butternut squash with your mashed potatoes to give it a different layer of flavor. Make a butternut squash panzanella salad. Include butternut squash in your Thanksgiving stuffing. And obviously we cannot forget mixing up some of Blistered Peppers’ favorite Butternut Squash and Potato Soup

Try this risotto one night this week and let me know what you think. Share your photos and tag me on social. Enjoy!

More Blistered Peppers veggie dishes to explore

Salt Baked Potatoes with Roasted Garlic Butter

Buffalo Cauliflower

Pea and Potato Soup



  1. Prep the veggies, cube the butternut squash (see note above), mince the garlic cloves, and dice the onion.

  2. In a large pot over medium heat, add enough olive oil to just cover the surface, then add the onion and sauté until translucent, then add the butternut squash with a heavy dash of salt and pepper. Sauté for about 8 mins so the squash is soft and has begun to caramelize. 

  3. Add the garlic and stir for about 1-2 minutes. 

  4. Add the rice and let it toast for 1 minute or so. 

  5. Add the wine and let it cook off for 3 minutes. 

  6. Lower the flame, then add the chicken stock - ½ a cup at a time - and stirring (almost) constantly. As the stock absorbs, add a bit more and repeat until all the stock has been used and risotto is tender. 

    • Option to keep the stock warm in a separate pot, but not necessary!

  7. Turn off the heat and add the parmesan into the risotto and mix well just before serving. 

  8. In a separate pan, heat some vegetable or avocado oil and fry the sage - this will only take about 30 seconds to 1 minute. Let the sage cool on a paper lined plate. 

Serve the risotto and top with fried sage - enjoy!


